
i’m in love with you

loving me back was always a hard task for you.

i could never understand why it was so hard for you but so easy for me.

we always had that clinic silence.

that no matter what, we don’t talk in public type silence

i never questioned you because my love for you meant too much

you taken that away would be like puncturing my lungs with safety pins

why don’t you love me back?

that’s just the question i asked myself

i’m talking to myself, you got me going crazy.

i’m trying to figure this out where are you, i need you.

i need you with me not with her

i need you to take the time with me

yes, i should know better but i love you

the leaves changing colors while i’m trying to drown in my pain

i knew something was different when you started smiling different

yet you want me to be smiling, you ant me to be open and honest

you want me willing, you want me loyal and faithful and to respect your space

but you want something from me that you’re not willing to be or grant me. it don’t work that way baby.

it was 3:24 a.m. you came back to me, where have you been

is the summer gone, i thought you loved me

what’s this and why’s she here?

what’s going on, baby just talk to me

i need you with me, holding me, loving me

im in love with you remember?

but you’re not the same right?

you’re just going to tell me that things change and people change right?

but not us though, remember?

we took vows, said them in front of God, and our family and friends.

just us, us against the world, don’t you remember?

who took the fun out of our forever, when did you stop falling in love with me?

was it that day in the park, or those late night phone calls?

you didn’t think i would just not be keeping track of you?

yes, well i have but my question to you is why?

was i not enough? i mean i could have changed,if i needed to baby..

i would be less of me, i would be more like her if i needed to be

but you just continue to go on with her instead of being with me

you were my bestfriend, my lover, my heartbeat doesn’t any of that matter?

i guess not.

lessons are just blessings.

you were a lessons and a blessing.

lesson: never become second for NO man.

blessing: that was just God’s way of opening my eyes because sometimes love can cause you meanwhile ‘that’s why i began writing all my poems in braille’ … ha. y’all will catch that on Tuesday.

I could have been your rib, instead you decided that chasing a spine.

When God created wo-man from the side of a man purposely

The rib represents oneness, to show that they wer actually the same

Created beings, two halves of a whole. Me, you’re suppose to be rib,was not created as a separate being

Second to the male, designed for a suitable helper?

Now what’s the rib’s job in the body of a human?

The rib’s job is to provide protection,and support to your delicate internal organs

Such as your heart and lungs. Two of the main organs needed for survival.

But yet you didn’t choose me..

Sucks to be you right now,

Alexis Sierra..

One thought on “Closure.

  1. That was deep!!! I loved it though because just like you said you’re writing in braille( loved that by the way) so if you get it then… Your choice of words can make a child think about their being. It’s crazy but all so possible and true.

    Lol keep on going in, Ms. Hyde


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